Food NutriHealth Management Ltd - Kigali, Rwanda
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Listing - +5Years
With Us
Company name
Food NutriHealth Management Ltd
Kigali City Tower 14th floor, Rwanda
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
- Monday: 08:00 am-5:00 pm
- Tuesday: 08:00 am-5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 08:00 am-5:00 pm
- Thursday: 08:00 am-5:00 pm
- Friday: 08:00 am-5:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am -5:00pm
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Charles RugiraEstablishment year
11-15Registration code
102773205E-mail address
Company description
Food Nutrihealth Management Ltd is a legally registered company with Rwanda
Development Board (RDB) in Rwanda. It was registered in August 2012 from which it started
functioning dealing in the provision of services and products of food for better and improved
nutrition which boosts our health, as well as dealing in research services and consultancy in
matters relating to food and nutrition, food security, food production and processing. Research and development for new food products. We also provide a variety of trainings and
conferences on food and nutrition for the betterment of the critical mass to build healthy
Nations. We also deal in coffee that provides the healthier foods and drinks.
Food Nutrihealth management Ltd does not only focus at national level but also on
international level, partnering with other international food and nutrition companies for the
provision of services and products for our esteemed customers.
Food NutriHealth Management Ltd has got a variety of expertise in the following areas:
1. Food production
2. Food processing
3. Post-harvest handling
4. Food packaging and canning
5. Food safety management
6. Research in food product development for nutrition and health values
7. Food product development
8. Consultancy, Research and trainings in all the above areas
Development Board (RDB) in Rwanda. It was registered in August 2012 from which it started
functioning dealing in the provision of services and products of food for better and improved
nutrition which boosts our health, as well as dealing in research services and consultancy in
matters relating to food and nutrition, food security, food production and processing. Research and development for new food products. We also provide a variety of trainings and
conferences on food and nutrition for the betterment of the critical mass to build healthy
Nations. We also deal in coffee that provides the healthier foods and drinks.
Food Nutrihealth management Ltd does not only focus at national level but also on
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theinternational level, partnering with other international food and nutrition companies for the
provision of services and products for our esteemed customers.
Food NutriHealth Management Ltd has got a variety of expertise in the following areas:
1. Food production
2. Food processing
3. Post-harvest handling
4. Food packaging and canning
5. Food safety management
6. Research in food product development for nutrition and health values
7. Food product development
8. Consultancy, Research and trainings in all the above areas
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Listed in categories
Products & Services 3
- Food production servicesWe do consultancy in all areas of production of food which r...
- Food Processing in all food processing plantsWe do train employees in all aspects of food processing star...
- Postharvest handling services snd trainingWe do food processing by adding value fruits and vegetables ...
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