Sdv Transami Rwanda - Kigali

Leading logistics and transportation solutions provider.
Sdv Transami Rwanda
Sdv Transami Rwanda
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Company name
Sdv Transami Rwanda
Prime Economic Zone Phase 1 Masoro, Bp. 1338, Kigali, Rwanda
Contact number
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Working hours
  • Monday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Saturday: 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
  • Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
SDVTransami, a subsidiary of Bollore Africa Logistics, first made its entry into Rwanda in the year 1965 under the name Transintra Rwanda.

Today, Bollore Africa Logistics is the largest logistics company in this sector, offering a wide variety of services ranging from customs brokerage to forwarding and transportation, FCL and LCL consignment with track and trace.

Other services include door-to-door logistic services, export and import, transit clearance to and from all over the world, weighing and sampling facilities, heavy lifting, public bonded warehousing, value added warehousing and warehouse management services. With its own regional fleet operating between Mombasa, Kampala, Kigali, Bujumbura, Dar es Salaam and East DRC, the company stands out among others due to its  
Show more unequalled coverage of the region, offering reliable and seasoned services to the very demanding EAC trade flows. On top of this, Bollore Africa Logistics offers tracking services for all cargo on transit from Mombasa and Dar-es Salaam to Rwanda, Burundi and East DRC.

Stretching out of the East African region, Bollore Africa Logistics covers other regions of the continent, with presence or representation in 53 African states.

In Rwanda, the company has a large coverage of the country, with collection and delivery points at major exit and entry points. With state of the art equipment like forklifts, reach stackers, trucks, trailers, trans pallets, specialized warehouse, service delivery becomes easier hence instilling confidence in their clients. In airfreights, Bollore Africa Logistics has an office at Kigali international airport. Among the services that this office is tasked with are cargo tracking, customer clearance, General cargo management for major airlines, packing and removals, shunting services from airport to final destinations and palletisation and tagging of shipments. According to the company's Great Lakes regional manager Mr. Rodolphe KEMBUKUSWA, the company in collaboration with other stakeholders and the Rwandan government is dedicated to boosting local economic growth via trade and other economic aspects by offering jobs to the citizens to uplift their well being.

As he confirms, Bollore Africa Logistics is currently employing more than 95 permanent staff and well over 100 part-time casual labor of Rwandan citizens. A further increase in the labor force is due in the near future. Regarding the company performance, Mr. Rodolphe confirms that the company is doing great and citing 2011 as an example, he emphasizes on the positive trend in results shown in the last 5 years .

In addition, Bollore Africa Logistics has played a major role in society development through its corporate social responsibility activities that have transformed a good number of the locals' lives. Among these activities is the donations made to the victims of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, tree planting exercises, sports sponsorship and training and empowerment of people.

The company nevertheless faces challenges which are common to the logistics industry in Rwanda. Delays at the main gateways ports of Mombasa and Dar- es Salaam extend the transit time and increase the transport costs. Truck load weight limitations and several weighbridges along the Mombasa and Dar-es Salaam corridors also affect the cost of transport to Rwanda. However, Bollore Africa Logistics have very good confidence in Rwanda as a good business destination, with dynamic and focus driven economy. The company is placing further actions aimed at consolidating its leadership position on Rwandan market by reaching out to new market segments and keep improving service delivery in the aim of achieving the ultimate customer's satisfaction.
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