Volcano Express - Head Office - Kigali, Rwanda

Reliable transport and logistics services provider.
Volcano Express - Head Office
Volcano Express - Head Office
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Volcano Express - Head Office
KK6 Avenue, Kigali, Rwanda
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Company description
We take pride in being regarded as one of the most reliable and affordable courier and Public transport service providers in the country. As a third party Public Transport service provider, we excel at a range of Transport services, which includes Cargo services, Courier services, and a range of other ancillary services. We have years of experience in the business of transport services, and aim to provide our clients with convenience, reliability and affordability through our premium Transport services.

Our team of experts at all levels of our services have years of experience backing them, which adds the credibility of an expert workforce. This also helps us in cutting down response time, and providing punctual and services at all times, whether it is courier service or cargo  
Show more services. Our goal is to make a positive difference in your business through our services, and build long term relationship with you. Our commitment to our clients can be seen by the amount of emphasis we lay on team work, customer support services and making technological upgrades in our transport process and equipment from time to time.

Our experience in all the fields we serve in, and the range of services we provide, makes us one of the most comprehensive transport service providers in the nation. And, with the help of continuous support and trust of our clients, we aim to stay at the top of the game, and humbly so.
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Questions & Answers

How do you determine the price of a given school need to partner with you? can you satisfy all the needs of the customer, like when they prefer electronic pay like tap and go, and GPS tracker?

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